Harmony Massage
An Experience for your body, mind & soul


Hello, my name is Ahylish.  (Pronounced A-lish)

I came to this area in 2018 after having spent 14 years in beautiful Petaluma.  After about a year and a half in Sacramento, I ventured up to live among the trees in Grass Valley.  I was like a kid in a candy store exploring the hiking trails in Grass Valley and Nevada City.  I fell in love with the trees and the magic of walking in forests.  I did, however; feel a bit isolated and decided to move closer to family and decided that Auburn was a happy medium where I still can easily get to the trees and get my hiking on.

People ask me how I got into bodywork and deciding to be a healer for a living.  I had the "calling" for about 5 years before I finally gave in and explore the world of massage.  I went to school the first time at Western Institute of Science & Health in 2003.  I did work as a Massage Therapist after graduating, but I had no self-care practices in place.  It wasn't long before my body started hurting and I just got really burnt out from the work.  It would take years before I returned to my calling, but in that time, I grew in my own knowledge and practices of self-care.  This came in many forms, yoga, meditation, epson Salt baths, essential oils, EFT, Reiki, acupuncture, spending time regularly in nature, daily walks and spending time with animals.  I returned to massage school in 2014 and did another year of training at National Holistic Institute in Petaluma.  Between the 2 schools I have 1,500 hours of training.  Since then, I have honed my massage skills and cultivated daily rituals of self care.  Through meditation, I am able to bring a sense of calm and peace to the work that brings about transformative results in my sessions.  I am a self-care advocate and I teach people about developing their own self-care routines that will amplify the quality of their lives and the bodywork itself.  I am a certified yoga teacher and a Reiki Practitioner.

I am a huge animal lover and share my life with an amazing dog, Gracie Mae.  I also volunteer my time at Auburn Animal Shelter.